Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Allegory of the Cave

Based on the text The Allegory of the Cave is based on how prisoners view prison. Explains what goes on in prison, what they have seen and experienced. Human beings living in an underground den which have an mouth open towards sun light and reaching all along the den. Many of these prisoners have been here since their childhood, with their legs and necks chained so they cannot move and can only see before them. As you can tell prison isnt a fun place to be, just by reading these little details.


  1. Your these is unclear, and hard to pinpoint. The reader doesn't seem to fully understand the premise of the story. A plus is that your writing is in your own words based on the way you perceived the story, with minor grammatical errors.

    To improve your summery, try to state who the conversation was between, the reason for the conversation, and go into more detail about the prisoners in the cave, and to not give the assumption that the author implies that "prison is bad." since that is not the case.

  2. Hi Collete,
    After reading your summary i see that you know what you are doing but need to work on it some more. One thing i noticed is that you were very general and left out some important details,another thing is that in your last sentence you put your opinion which is something you shouldn't do when writing a summary.
